If you’ve been living under a rock, you most likely haven’t heard of the glorious food establishment that is Hot Chicken Takeover. That’s right, a so-good-you-want-to-climb-to-the-top-of-the-Nationwide-Insurance-building-and-shout-to-the-world-how-much-you-love-it fried chicken joint right here in our Midwestern city. I was fortunate enough to experience this delicious Nashville-born eatery the other day and let me tell you, it was a delightful experience. I want to make something clear: I’m more of a Team Chicken Fingers gal, and I never really gave fried chicken the chance it deserves. I’m really happy I did.
I’ll start by saying you can’t just decide on a whim to get Hot Chicken Takeover- you need to strategize your lunchtime game plan. The place is only open Thursday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., which means there is a good chance that there is going to be a decently long line because let’s face it– everyone wants the deliciousness. My co-workers and I walked in and were mesmerized by the authentic feel of the place: the clatter of pans in the back room, the sizzle of the chicken as it was being cooked to perfection, the euphoric smell of the seasonings and spices, and of course, the joyful cries of those whose orders were up.
We waited patiently in line, which actually moved a lot quicker than I thought. After asking what each other was going to order approximately forty times (in typical lady fashion), we all ordered and joined the hungry crew that was waiting for their orders near the kitchen area. The delightful gentleman who was serving the good people of Columbus their meals finally called my name and gracefully placed the Styrofoam box in my hands. Yeah, I thought I had died and gone to heaven, too.
The result was absolutely worth the wait. I got the meal (so it comes with slaw AND mac and cheese AND bread) so I was one full gal. It’s definitely safe to say that I’ll be back. Like I mentioned earlier, I never thought I would ever stray away from the good ol’ reliable chicken fingers, but I guess things change. Hot Chicken Takeover swept me off my feet and we lived happily ever after.
The End.
Have you been to Hot Chicken Takeover? What are your thoughts? Comment below!