So essentially, you become a bad ass and strut your stuff, which means I saunter all the fucking time. And you probably do, too.
Here are 6 people (or mammals) who know how to saunter:
1. The Joker
La la la… I’m the Joker and I saunter away from shit I blow up. BAD ASS.
2. Mini Horse
*Play “A Thousand Miles” by Vanessa Carlton while watching this*
3. Mrs. Iglesias
And I’m ready to parrrrrty.
4. Sarabi (AKA Simba’s Mom)
Dayuuum girl… You saunter on outta here.
5. Bey
You can call me Queen Saunter.
6. Jonah Hill
Can you say Saunter of Shame?
Happy Sauntering Day!
How do you saunter, Columbus? Share in the comments below or tweet us @ColumBUZZ614.