What better way to prepare for the holiday season than by exploring the beautiful Christmas lights Columbus has to offer! Throughout the month of December, lighting ceremonies and festivals are happening all over the city to kickoff the holiday spirit. Here are a few coming up that you won’t want to miss:

grisewold1. Grand Illumination Friday, December 4, 5 p.m. at Bicentennial Park

This year, the Grand Illumination celebrates the remodel of the Columbus Commons and Scioto Mile areas. With thousands of lights, holiday decorations, and even a visit from Santa, the evening will be filled with the holiday spirit. Parking in nearby garages is recommended.

illumination photo

Source: http://www.sciotomile.com/events/grand-illumination

2. Village Lights Sunday, December 6, 5 p.m. at German Village

Those of you who live in German Village don’t need to travel far to see a spectacular light display. Sponsored by Schmidt’s, the village showcases holiday lights and luminaries that guide your way in a mini gallery hop. Stores are open late so you can get a head start on your shopping!


3. Light Up the Lake Wednesday, December 9, 6 p.m. at Mirror Lake, OSU Campus

If you’re an Ohio State student, live around the campus area, or just want to relive your college days, Light Up the Lake is a great tradition to take part in. Organized by The Ohio Staters, Inc., this event falls right around the beginning of Finals Week for OSU students, so it’s a nice break from studying. Hot chocolate and the singing of Carmen Ohio will take place after the lighting ceremony.

4. WildLights Nov. 20, 2015 — Jan. 3, 2016, 5 p.m. at Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

As one of Columbus’ most celebrated holiday traditions, Wildlights at the Columbus Zoo shows off millions of lights, animated shows, and other attractions. You can visit the Zoo and witness the spectacular for yourself anytime before January 3rd. Visit the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium for more details.


For more information about other fun holiday activities, check out this run-down of 6 Great Columbus-Area Holiday Light Displays.

Tweet @ColumBUZZ614 some of the amazing holiday lights you come across, and comment below with your favorite spot to see Christmas lights!